Learn The Three Basic Steps To Win At Chess

Learn three basic things to winning at chess. Knowing the strength of your chess pieces will help you control the chessboard. If you don’t get these elements, nothing else matters.

These chess tips are more about understanding the game of chess and developing a firm position than about finding the best moves. A good rule of thumb is to move your chess pieces to control the center of the chessboard. This rule breaks down into two parts: Control the middle and Develop your section.

Beginner chess strategies

It is well known that it is important to control the center of the chessboard, but not many people know why it is so important. The explanation of the importance of controlling the center area of ??the chessboard is that the best it allows you to move your trifles while at the same time taking those abilities away from your opponent’s pieces.

It’s all about who controls the mobility of your chess pieces and your opponent’s pieces. The central control foundations of the chessboard should be bishops and knights. The bishops and knights make perfect pieces for central control as they have the most control over the square, meaning your opponent has fewer squares to move.

Developing your pieces is important for the simple reason that pawns are not as valuable chunks because they can only move forward in one direction. This is why it’s not good to have a lot of pawn moves. They are vulnerable pieces of chess because they cannot reverse and have very poor mobility, and they are very limited when trying to adapt to an opponent’s movements.

When you make a pawn move, the position of your concrete pieces and your only defense for it can be with small pieces. Also, as you develop your chess pieces you end up controlling more squares, thus increasing your own mobility while reducing your opponents.

How to Play Chess?

Another important step to understand and use is castration. When castrating, a king and a fortress can move simultaneously, but only under the following conditions:

  • The king who will make the castling move hasn’t moved yet.
  • The rook that will make the castling move hasn’t moved yet.
  • The king is not in check.
  • The king cannot move over the square which is attacked by opponent’s pieces during the castling move.
  • All the boxes between the rook and the king before the castling move are empty.
  • The king and rook must occupy the same row.
  • In short, when castrating, the king moves two squares towards the fort, and the rook moves over the king to the next square.

Castration in chess is an excellent strategic move and although it is widely known, few know why. There are two reasons behind why you want to castle your chess pieces. The first is that when you are a castle, you are engaging your castle into play and the second is that you are placing your king into a safe position on the chessboard. When you have your bishops and knights still in the back rank, which means you haven’t been castled, then your rook is not involved in the game and has limited mobility.

These are just 3 simple guidelines to follow which can help you greatly improve your chess game.

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